Stock Market Game Blog

This semester, you will be playing the Stock Market Game and managing a $100,000 investment portfolio with your partner. Each week, you will reflect on how your portfolio performed and provide your thoughts in a blog post that your teacher, classmates, and others will be able to read and respond to.

This will give you a chance to offer and ask for advice and/or warnings about certain investments, provide your reactions to market activity and news that has occurred over the week, and indicate your hopes and predictions regarding where the markets (and your specific investments in the SMG) are heading.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Kaden Glatfelter, Zach Flemmene

Total Cash Balance- $50,180.53
Total Portfolio Equity- $100,779..03
Buying Power- $100,570.05
Ranking- 22
Top 3 Account Holdings
UPS: Purchase Price per share-$97,37, Current Price per share-$97.43, Unrealized Gain-$5.59
ABT: Purchase Price per share-$47.35, Current Price per share-$47.49, Unrealized Gain-$14.12

PX: Purchase Price per share-$121.71, Current Price per share-$123.59, Unrealized Gain-$282.15
Our stocks are still performing well. We still have money to spend so we are looking into more stocks to buy into. We don't have stocks gaining us a lot of money but they are making us some. We don't plan on selling any stocks yet because we think our stocks will continue to increase. 


  1. I agree that you should not sell because we noticed with our stocks taht they can fall but rise higher than before

  2. I think that you guys should keep looking into some stocks to invest in. When you are looking though make sure you're pretty positive the stock will go up quick because there is not that much time left. I also agree not to sell anything yet, especially if they are not making that much money because they could continue to go up.

  3. You should try to invest the rest of your money ASAP so your stocks have time to potentially do something for you. Try Under Armor. UA is performing really well for us and so is American Eagle. Hope this helps you decide where to put some of your remaining money.

  4. try to spend your 50,000 dollars and maybe you can get more money from stocks and improve your rank.
