Stock Market Game Blog

This semester, you will be playing the Stock Market Game and managing a $100,000 investment portfolio with your partner. Each week, you will reflect on how your portfolio performed and provide your thoughts in a blog post that your teacher, classmates, and others will be able to read and respond to.

This will give you a chance to offer and ask for advice and/or warnings about certain investments, provide your reactions to market activity and news that has occurred over the week, and indicate your hopes and predictions regarding where the markets (and your specific investments in the SMG) are heading.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Blog Post 4

Name: Marissa Shoemaker
Username: PA_57_ZZ3873
Cash Balance: $24,358.89
Equity: $99,559.85
Buying: $53,797.03 
Ranking: 73 out of 95
Top 3 Accounts: 
                 ADSK:$59.47, $61.66, $54.37
                 ABBV: $61.69, $62.59, $44.96
                 BAX: $68.89, $70.15, $37.89
Ho do I feel about my portfolio?
I am actually pretty happy about my portfolio. It is doing better than what it was last week. Overall I believe we can do better. We just have to but the right stocks to bump up the amount of money we are interested in. 
What changes? 
I would like to see all of our stocks to go up at least $100.00 dollars. I want to start taking an interest into all the stocks than I can. 

1 comment:

  1. Hoping your stocks do better. We're not doing so good either. Our stocks are always different. If you've invested into certain stocks that are really causing you to lose a lot of money, i would get on and click on analyst opinion to see what they rate it. if its rated higher than a 3.0 maybe its time to just sell out if you dont see any positive changes in it.
