Tabby Bentz and Maddy Walker
56 out of 65
HD: $113.78/$115.07/+$136.01
NVO: $54.40/$54.66/+$71.63
MGM: $21.86/ $22.10/-$26.64
We're still not doing the best, we are low in the rankings but there is not much we can do right now. We do not want to see our stocks that are down right now because since they are so low, we wouldn't make any money off of it. Recently, HD has been in the positive and only a few other stocks are doing alright. I think that all we can do is wait and see if it begins to go up.
We would like to see our total equity go up and not be in the negatives anymore. Slowly we are getting closer but the DOW hasn't been up for a long enough period to increase our own portfolio.
Stock Market Game Blog
This semester, you will be playing the Stock Market Game and managing a $100,000 investment portfolio with your partner. Each week, you will reflect on how your portfolio performed and provide your thoughts in a blog post that your teacher, classmates, and others will be able to read and respond to.
This will give you a chance to offer and ask for advice and/or warnings about certain investments, provide your reactions to market activity and news that has occurred over the week, and indicate your hopes and predictions regarding where the markets (and your specific investments in the SMG) are heading.
Your MGM stock has a analysis rating of 1.9. This advises you to hold on to your stock because it's a strong buy right now. We know how you feel when it comes to making very little money compared to the amount you are losing. Hang in there, hopefully things will turn around soon.