Stock Market Game Blog

This semester, you will be playing the Stock Market Game and managing a $100,000 investment portfolio with your partner. Each week, you will reflect on how your portfolio performed and provide your thoughts in a blog post that your teacher, classmates, and others will be able to read and respond to.

This will give you a chance to offer and ask for advice and/or warnings about certain investments, provide your reactions to market activity and news that has occurred over the week, and indicate your hopes and predictions regarding where the markets (and your specific investments in the SMG) are heading.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Judah Graham & Samariah Mattison 

Cash balance- $64,182.06
Total Equity- $100,354.31
Buying power- $114,359.21
Ranking-28 out of 65
RIGHT now our stocks is growing slowly but surly it will continue to grow. We moved up in our rank which is a good thing and i hope we continue to move into this positive direction. 
Hopefully we both want to see growth in all our stocks and possibly in future sell them off. 


  1. How much increase have your stocks had ever since you bought them?

  2. That's good your stocks are making money. Maybe name your stocks next time..

  3. you should probably buy more so that your total equity rises.

  4. You should buy more stocks and be a little more descriptive in your post. Other then that you are doing pretty good. Your making money which is good. Keep it up.
